戻る ジョーモン・カタログ 2015/02/26 ~ ケンジ トヨダ |
2/26 The generation of the Jomon period Jomon period is divided into six sittings. 1 The beginning ( B.C.10000~B.C.7000 ) 2 The early stage ( B.C.7000~B.C.4000 ) 3 The first term ( B.C.4000~B.C.3000 ) 4 The middle ( B.C.3000~B.C.2000 ) 5 The latter term ( B.C.2000~B.C.1000 ) 6 The close ( B.C.1000~B.C.400 ) ・Jomon period sequel to ( B.C.400~A.C.700 ) -- In the case of Hokkaido Catalog-1 The beginning 3/06 1-1 Sketch - No.59 (1) Possession Aomori Prefectural Kyodokan (2) Location Aomori-shi, Aomori (3) Exhumation place Omotedate ruins, Rokkasyo-mura (4) Other data -- Replica (5) My personal impression -- この器は、私がひとりで初めて東北を訪れたとき、この北の街で見た。大きさは若い女性が両手に持ったり小脇に抱えるにはちょうどいいだろう。しかし、その厚みがあまりに薄いので、乱暴に扱ったらすぐにこわれそうだった。遠いむかし、この厚みを成すために彼は(彼女は)たいへん慎重にとりくみ、多くの工夫をしたにちがいない。あれはたしか全体に濃い焦げ茶色で、よくあるように出土した破片が明らかに区別されたものではなかった。 When I visited Tohoku for the first time alone, I watched this Utuwa in this north town. The size will be just right so that a young woman holds it in both hands. In addition, she can hold it under arm. However, the thickness is very light. When somebody treats it roughly, it will be broken in a minute. A long time ago he (she) would show their originality for this thickness very carefully. That was dark brown in the whole. I was not able to distinguish the excavated piece. 器は十分な容量を保ちながら端正に整えられる。口のわずかな広がりの後、そのまま降りて底は見事なふくらみを見せて閉じる。器の側面は細い紐を丹念に巻き付けたようなもようでおおわれる。 この入れ物には何を入れたのだろう。乾燥した植物の葉など、かさは多いがそれほど重くはないものは口近くまでいっぱい入れたかもしれない。湯を沸かしたり、スープ状の煮物をするとき、水は半分ほどか。 The Utuwa has enough capacity, and the form is tidied appropriately. After a mouth slightly opened, it goes straight down and the bottom shows wonderful swelling and closes it. The side of the Utuwa is wound a thin string around carefully. What do the people put in this Utuwa? In the case of the leaves of the dry plant which is not so heavy with much quantity, The people might put it to the mouth of the Utuwa. As for the cases that they boil hot water, the water will be approximately half. この口の形からは器を両手に持ち上げて湯や温かいスープを注ぎ分ける様子も想像される。そのとき手のひらはこの規則正しいもようの凹凸をいつも味わっていただろう。 I imagine the next scene to see the form of this mouth. He raised the Utuwa with both hands. And he pours everybody hot water or warm soup and distributes it. His palm feels the pattern that formed a line on this entire surface then. この頃からすでに口の内側にももようを乗せている。私はこの口の様子をもっときちんと確かめたり、出土した部分がどの部分なのか知りたかった。そこでその後、再び東北へ向かった。出土した破片で器を再生した本体があるという六ヶ所村を訪ねた。しかし、そのときもこの器を十分に間近に見ることはできなかった。 "Jomon no Utuwa" has begun to already put a pattern on the area of the mouth from this period. I checked the look of this mouth more properly and wanted to know which part an excavated part was. Therefore I went to Tohoku again afterwards. I visited Rokkasyo-village to watch the Utuwa which reconstituted by an excavated genuine piece. However, even in the case of this visit, I was not able to approach this Utuwa 3/08 1-2 Sketch - No.220 (1) Possession Yamato City Turumai-no-sato History museum (2) Location Yamato-shi, Kanagawa (3) Exhumation place Ueno ruins, Yamato-shi (5) My personal impression-- 博物館は周りを板塀で囲まれた平屋の和風の建物だった。 The museum was a Japanese-style one-storied house surrounded in a wooden fence. 目指す草創期の土器はもう一つの土器と一緒に透明な四角のケースに収まっている。明かりが左上から差しているので右側が陰になっている。陰に入った文様も周囲の反射光で何とか見える。網目模様は地肌からわずかに盛り上がっている。ひもを組んだものではない。出土した破片は何とか見分けられる。そこは表面が荒れて網目も乱れている。破片のない部分は器の大半を占め、巧みに補われている。そこに乱れはない。器の文様はたいへん整った印象を与える。これは補われた部分がたくさんあるせいで、実際の器ではもう少し違った感じなのかもしれない。 Utuwa of "The beginning" when I aimed fitted into the transparent square case along with another Utuwa. Leaning to the left of Utuwa places the light. Utuwa is lighted up by the left upper illumination, and the right side becomes the shade. I see the pattern in the shade by neighboring reflected light somehow. The mesh pattern floats up at the surface. It is like the small mountain range which ranged. It is not a net knit a strap into. I can distinguish an excavated piece somehow. There roughens the surface, and the mesh is disheveled, too. An excavated piece is a small portion. When it is restored, the part except it is supplemented skillfully. The restored part is not disheveled. I think that patterns of Utuwa are set very well. Is this reason because there are a lot of supplemented parts? これは11000年前の土器のデザインだ。上下に配置された横線のもようはこの列島の古い器によくあるが、ここではその中に幅広く網目を置いている。太古の何という洗練された意匠だろう。すでに面の配置とその異なる面の対比を楽しんでいるかのようだ。 This is a design of the earthenware vessel 11,000 years ago. The pattern of the horizontal line is common in old Utuwa of the Japanese Islands. This Utuwa puts in a mesh widely as the inside of the horizontal line pattern. They seem to have already enjoyed the placement of the aspect and the comparison of the different aspect. Did a so refined design exist in the distant past? この器があまりに古いものなので、目の前のデザインに感嘆しつつ戸惑う。それにしても、この文様作りに長い時間をかけたであろう作り手の心、この入れ物に親しんで使い続けたであろう人々の心を思わないではいられない。 Because this Utuwa is too old, I am puzzled while admiring this design. Be that as it may, I cannot help thinking about the sharp sensitivity of the author who continued making this pattern eagerly. In addition, I think about the sensitivity of the people who continued using this Utuwa by preference . 3/14 1-3 Sketch - No.226 (1) Possession Yokohama City History museum (2) Location Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa (3) Exhumation place Hanamiyama ruins, Yokohama-shi (4) Other data -- Height of the Utuwa 18.2cm (5) My personal impression -- この図はいつかの企画展示ポスターにあった写真を元に描いている。実物の器を見ていないので、この反対側がどうなっているか未だ分からない。 A photograph of this Utuwa was printed in the plan exhibit poster once. I drew this picture based on the photograph. Because I do not watch a real Utuwa, I am not yet sure about the other side of this picture. 器の口はほんの少しだけ外へ開く。微妙にカーブを描く輪郭線は優雅だ。図の正面で破片の一部は口の縁まで達している。それでこのかたちが分かるのだろうか。しかし、この器はわずかな破片が出土したにすぎないようだ。その破片は疎らで、隣り合っている場合も隙間なく接しているわけでもなさそうだ。この状態で器は復元されている。このかたちを再生するにはそれだけの根拠があったのだろう。この微妙にカーブを描く器が、他にもいろいろあるのかもしれない。 The mouth of the Utuwa opens only a little outward. The contour to delicately draw a curve with is elegant. In the front of the picture, a part of the broken piece arrives until the edge of the mouth. So did the person who restored make this form? However, this Utuwa has only a few broken pieces. The broken piece is put sparsely. When they are next to each other, probably it does not contact without tightly gap. The Utuwa is restored with this condition. When he revitalized this form, did he have some kind of grounds? A past may have the Utuwa who delicately draws a curve in this way. Probably he assumed it grounds . 器の口は細かい波もようになっている。あえて完全な平らの口にはしなかった。側面の上半分には3本の帯が巻かれる。下にはない。帯の上とその間には何かを押しつけたもようが並ぶ。口の縁、文様、輪郭は意図されたデザインだ The mouth of the Utuwa becomes the small wave pattern. The artist did not make a mouth of complete levelness on purpose. At the side of Utuwa, three belts surround it. There is not it below. In other places, there is the pattern that something was pushed. The mouth, the pattern, the contour were designed by this artist . 3/16 Catalog-2 The early stag 2-1 Sketch - No.013 (1) Possession Miyazaki Prefectural Sogo museum (2) Location Miyazaki-shi, Miyazaki (3) Exhumation place Huda no moto ruins, Tano-cho (4) Other data -- Replica (5) My personal impression -- これが8000年以上前の四角筒型の器だ。この器のどこまでの部分が出土したのか私には分からない。物を入れる器としてどんな使い方があるのだろう。平底だから、いつも立ててあったのだろう。今ならガラス器や磁器として花瓶に使うだろう。 This is a container standing with a square to be considered that thing more than 8,000 years ago. I do not know which part of this Utuwa is an excavated broken piece. This Utuwa will put what. Because it was a flat-bottomed vessel, it would always stand. If it is me, I will use this form for a vase as glassware and porcelain. 4つの峰を渡って口を飾る曲線、各側面に置かれた奇妙な突起。これらは細かいところまでたいへん注意深く処理されている。上に這い上るような様子を見せる突起は面の上ばかりではなく、垂直な角にも見られる。この同じ突起は鹿児島で見た円筒形の器にもあった。この時期、広い範囲で同じ主題の意匠が行われていたのだ。 A mouth is decorated with a curve put between four peaks. An odd projection was put on each side. These are handled very carefully in detail. The projection seems to climb it. It is seen in not only the aspect but also the perpendicular corner. I watched this same projection in Kagoshima, and it was a cylindrical container. At this time, the design of the same subject was performed in a large area . この突起は手で持ったときに滑り落ちにくいのだろうか。何かの自然物を借りて、それとの結びつきに期待するのだろうか。並んで這い進む巻き貝。何度も寄せる波。競って成長する植物。 When people had this Utuwa by hand, will this projection be helpful? The people borrow some kind of natural objects, and do they hope it for the good connection with it? The conches stand in line and advance. The wave laps many times. The plant grows up competitively. 縄文時代早期の南九州は縄文人の文化がたいへん栄えていたらしい。この地方独特の土器のほか、すぐれた磨製石器があり、人々は地面をトンネル状に掘って炉を作り調理をしたという。その文化は7300年前に起きた薩摩半島沖合の大規模な海底火山の爆発で消滅した。その厚い火山灰地層は九州全体と本州に見られ、その地層を境として縄文時代早期と前期が分かれるのだという。 Jomon period early stage, the civilization of people of Jomon seemed to prosper very much in South Kyushu. Unique Utuwa is in this district, and it is said that there is superior polished stoneware, and I prepare, and the people used the tunnel-formed furnace for cooking in the ground. The people prepare a tunnel-formed furnace in the ground. It is said that they cooked it in it. The civilization became extinct by the explosion of the large-scale submarine volcano of the Satsuma Peninsula offing which happened 7,300 years ago. The thick volcanic ashes stratum is seen in whole Kyushu and Shikoku Honshu. It is said that the stratum is a border with "The early stage" and "The first term". Note -- Honsyu is the greatest island in the center of the Japanese Islands 3/20 2-2 Sketch - No.083 (1) Possession Hachinohe City museum (2) Location Hachinohe-shi, Aomori (3) Exhumation place Tamonoki tai ruins, Hachinohe-shi (5) My personal impression -- 側面の文様上部に描かれる二等辺三角形は建築物の破風のようでもある。隣に続くかたちでは、これが逆三角形になるようだから、実際にはS字形連続模様の一部だ。ここでは、描き手は明らかに直線を意識している。文様全体は細い緊張した線で描かれる。文様は器の4つの頂点に連動した前後二組の連続模様らしい。やはり、これは十分に構成的な文様なのだ。 The isosceles triangle pictured in a lateral pattern of Utuwa is like the bargeboard of the building. The form to lead to the neighbor becomes the inverse triangle. Therefore this is a part of the S type continuation pattern. Here, the person drawing it is conscious of a straight line clearly. The whole pattern is drawn in a narrow tense line. The pattern to continue seems to be related to four tops of Utuwa. After all the pattern of this Utuwa is constructive enough. この器の口は、この時代からすでに、いかにも縄文らしい。とがった峰たちが並びしなやかな曲線が峰と峰をつないでいく。前ページ(2-1)に見るように、鹿児島と青森で同じ装飾が器の口で見られる。早期の区分では、その期間は B.C.7000~B.C.4000とずいぶん長期にわたる。だから、この2つの土器が同じ時期に作られているとはとてもいえないが、ともかく2つの土器はこの範囲内で作られ使われた。遠く離れた人々が器の口に対して同じような嗜好を持ったのだ。 A mouth of this Utuwa seems to be already Jomon perfectly from this period. Sharp peaks form a line, and a flexible curve connects a peak and the peak. See in the previous page (2-1), The same decoration is seen with the mouth of the Utuwa in Kagoshima and Aomori. In the early stage, it lasts for a long term very much with B.C.7000~B.C.4000. Therefore it can be hardly said that these two earthenware vessels are made at the same time. Anyway, two earthenware vessels were made in this range and were used. The people were far distantly. Still they had similar taste for the mouth of the Utuwa . 何か紐状の物で2カ所を垂れ下がるほど緩くつなぐ様子は日頃からよく見る景色だ。2つの器の使われ方とかそのかたちの由来はおそらくちがうだろう。しかし、この「垂れ下がり」のイメージは明らかに共通だ。それで、両方ともにあのようにしなやかな曲線なのだ。この後、器の口のこの曲線は列島の縄文時代を通じて広い範囲で何千年も好まれ繰り返される。それがこんなにも早くから始まっていた。このことはどこか不思議で何か訳がありそうに思われる。 Two places are connected by the restrictions loosely so as to hang down. We look at such a scene well. By the way, probably how to use those two Utuwa is different. The form of those Utuwa is different, too. However, "loosely hanging" is the clearly same. Therefore the mouth of two Utuwa is an expression flexible in that way. It is liked in the Japanese Islands for several thousand years, and it is expressed repeatedly after this. It began so early. I feel these somehow strangely. I think that there will be some reason. 3/26 2-3 Sketch - No.149(a,b) (1) Possession Tokyo Maizobunkazai Center (2) Location Tama-shi, Tokyo-to (3) Exhumation place Tama-New-town No. 918 ruins, Tama-shi (5) My personal impression -- このいろいろな特徴を見せる2つの器も時期は早期とされている。6千年以上前に生きた人々がこんなにも手の込んだかたちと文様に取り組んでいる。 These two early Utuwa shows various characteristics It is so elaborate form and pattern. The people who produced it lived more than 6,000 years ago . aのりんかくは一風変わった軽やかさと堅さをあわせもっている。胴の中程でくびれたかたちは、文様の中で繰り返される垂直線でより強調される。ちょうどその部分の水平線は、くびれに巻かれた帯のようだ。器の口では整った平らな縁に4つの低い突起が生じる。りんかくの各所が角張っているのに軽快な姿だ。それはやはり文様と関わりのある胴のくびれのせいだ。くびれの上下の比率も見た目に好ましい。また、両手で持ちやすいかたちだ。 Strangely, picture "a" shows both the lightness and the hardness together. The form of waist of Utuwa is emphasized in a perpendicular line repeated in a pattern. The horizontal line in there is like the belt of waist. Four low projections produce it on a neat flat rim with the mouth of Utuwa. Utuwa is square-built in various parts. Nevertheless it shows the lightness. After all it is result of pattern and waist. The position of waist is preferable visually, too. In addition, the form is easy to hold with both hands. 文様の中に規則的に置かれるかたちは何かの記号のように見える。それらは敷き詰められた横線の上でよりはっきりと浮き出ている。 この器は、まるでかたちに鋭敏なデザイナーが明らかな意図を持って表現したかのようだ。 The form in the pattern looks like some kind of signs. They are noticeable by the horizontal line of the foundation. An artist of this Utuwa seems to be an excellent designer. He has a sharp sense for form and has a clear intention for decoration . bの文様は低い畝と小さな点とを張りめぐらせたものだ。畝は幅を持って2本並ぶことがあり、通路のようにも見える。図の正面のようにより幅の広いのが垂れ幕のように降ろされることもある。幅を示すためだろうか、その隙間にいい加減な向きの斜線を入れている。それらは一定の組み合わせで上下2段に分かれて周囲を巡る。その配置が器の口の突起に連動することはないようだ。細部は適当に処理される。底の部分に文様はない 。 The pattern of picture "b" places many low ridge and many small points. It seems that two ridge forms a line like the passage. Or it is taken down like a curtain by wide width. The artist puts the slanted line of a random direction in the gap to show a passage and a curtain. They rotate with 2 rounds in Utuwa. The placement does not seem to link the projection of the mouth of Utuwa. The details of the pattern are handled slightly carelessly. The bottom of Utuwa does not have the pattern . 上部の突起も、文様も控えめだ。しかし全体のかたちは整然としている。上は円筒形に立ち、胴はふくらみ、底は水平な稜線で区別されている。こ器もなかなかなデザインで成り立つ。 Both the projection of the mouth and the pattern are modest together. However, the overall form is orderly. The upper part is cylindrical and stands up, the middle shows roundness, and the bottom is divided in a horizontal ridgeline clearly. This Utuwa also consists of a quite good design . おそらく、同じ意匠、文様が何度も繰り返された多くの器たちの結果として、この2つの器がそれぞれ作り出されたのだろう。 Probably the same design and pattern have been attempted repeatedly many times. It is a result of those past many attempts that these two Utuwa was created. 3/28 2-4 Sketch - No.273 (1) Possession City Hakodate museum (2) Location Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido (3) Exhumation place Nakano-B ruins, Hakodate-shi (5) My personal impression -- 器の口の装飾は控えめだ。4つのとがった低い峰とそれをつなぐ緩やかな曲線。口はわずかに開きそのまま降りて胴の微かなふくらみをつくる。この優しいふくらみの中には何を入れたのだろうか。 The decoration of the mouth of Utuwa is modest. Four low sharp peaks. The gentle curve that there is between a peak and a peak. This Utuwa has a calm contour. The mouth slightly opens, and the middle swells out slightly. What would the people put in this graceful swelling? 文様はたいへん細かく丹念に描かれている。図柄の要素は規則的に並べたたくさんの細い線と小さな点だ。一つの囲まれたかたちの外側に同じ輪郭線をいくつもずらしては並べて広げていく。それはかたちが何枚も重なったように見える。一番内側の面のとなりに線の集まりができて、それもまた幅の広い面をつくる。細かい点の列は線の並びの中に混じって精緻な印象をいっそう強めている。これと同じことを私は暇つぶしの落書きで何度もやったことがあるように思う 。 The pattern is drawn carefully very finely. The element of the pattern is many thin lines and a small point arranged sequentially. It begins with one surrounded form. And the same contour repeats itself many times in the outside and is arranged. It is like several form that overlapped. There is the group of the line next to the inside aspect, and it is a wide aspect of the width at the same time. A small point develops a detailed impression more there. I remember that I did a thing same as this by a graffiti of the time killing many times . 各突起の下、胴の中程に低い出っ張りがある。ここを中心に弧を描いて広がる部分がある。どうやら、文様は突起の間ごとにくりかえし描かれているらしい。中の面がひどく小さくなったり、リズミカルに並ぶ線の隙間の幅や数が一定ではないが、くりかえされる主題は同じになっているようだ。一番内側にできる面にはいずれも横線を入れて目立たせている。 This Utuwa puts a thick button below a little of the projection. The button is surrounded by many lines to paint an arc on. The pattern seems to be drawn between each projection. The size of the aspect of the inside changes, and width and the number of the gap of a line put rhythmically are not constant. However, the repeated subject seems to become same. As for each central aspect, a horizontal line is drawn. The aspect is noticeable . 作り手は、ただ何となくいたずらに描いているのではない。何かのために心を込めていかにも熱心に描いている。私には分からないはっきりした内容があったのかもしれない。そのことを別にしても、彼はここでおもしろいかたちを創っている。おもしろい画面構成を試みている。 The artist does not draw it somehow in vain. He draws it for something quite eagerly heartily. He might have the clear subject matter not to understand to me. He creates interesting form with this work even if he separates it. He tries interesting picture composition 3/30 2-5 Sketch - No.393 (1) Possession Eniwa City Kyodoshiryokan (2) Location Eniwa-shi, Hokkaido (3) Exhumation place Yukanboshi-E8 ruins, Eniwa-shi (4) Other data -- Kottaro-ski(style) (5) My personal impression -- そのとき、私はこの器の口を初めて見た。その同じ棚に、その同じ部屋に展示された土器に、これと似た器の口は1つもなかった。その後も私はこのかたちの口を見ていない。この6500年前のかたちはごく珍しいものなのだろうか 。 I watched a mouth of this Utuwa for the first time at that time. In an earthenware vessel displayed in the same shelf, there was not the earthenware vessel of the mouth same as this. I watched the whole exhibition room, but there is not it. I do not watch it all the time afterwards. Will this Utuwa before 6,500 years be an extremely rare thing? この口辺のかたちはあまり実用につながらないように思う。効率よく液体や穀類を貯めたり、出し入れしたりするのにふさわしくない。ただ、もしかすると調理や貯蔵の仕方でこのかたちにしたほうがよい場合があったかもしれない。また、実用とは別に、何かのためにどこかに置いて眺めていたということがあったかもしれない。この器を眺めていると、確かにおもしろい。そのかたちは何かの植物の双葉の萌芽のある時期のようなおもむきがあり、あるいは、それはゆっくりと降りてくる大切なものを受け取ろうとしているかのようです。 I think that the mouth of this Utuwa is not so practical. This Utuwa saves a liquid and grains and is inconvenient to get in and out a thing. But there might be the use example that they should use this form in cooking and a storage. Or separately from practical use, they put this somewhere and might be looking all the time. I look at this Utuwa and think that the form is very interesting. The form seems to watch the sprouting of the plant. Or the form seems to be going to receive an important thing going down slowly コッタロ式というのはその文様のスタイルらしい。粘土ひもを置いてへらの先で順に押しつぶした線模様が並んでいる。この模様は隣の別の器にもある。 この器の線模様もたいへん興味深い。模様は縦横斜めの線が作る面を配置したもののようにみえる。直線の長さをそろえてならべ、その段をずらして縦横を組み合わせたりしている。折れ曲がった斜めの線をくり返したり、2等辺三角形を置いたり四角を積んだりする。これは幾何学模様の羅列ではなくて、まるで初めからそのつもりで構成したように感じられる。この部屋の同じスタイルの器では、模様はもっといい加減な配置になり構成された感じはない。 Kottaro -siki seems to be a kind of style of the pattern. The pattern is the line design that crushed a string of clay put on the surface of Utuwa in the point of the spatula. Neighboring different Utuwa has this design again. The line design of Utuwa is very interesting. The design is seen like the thing which positioned the aspect which the line of the length and breadth slant makes. The pattern is placed to by aligning the length of a straight line. Or the line is bent and combines length and breadth. The bent diagonal line is repeated. A pattern placed an isosceles triangle and a quadrilateral. This is not enumeration of the aestheometry. It is felt as constituted intentionally from the beginning. In the case of Utuwa of other same styles, the design is placed more randomly, and there is not the constituted feeling. |